Farsi (original)  فارسى



The world is swarmed by misery and foulness. At a time when knowledge and technique allow man to reach out to the galaxies, on this earth millions of our brothers and sisters, millions of impoverished and destitute people spend their days and nights in hunger, thirst, and sickness. In Africa and Asia, where clouds and rain dictate the fate of men, hundreds of thousands of people and their children, in a manner fit for herds of animals, seek roots, leaves, or a drop of water under the soil, rocks and stones, spending theirs nights like stone age men, without shelter, on the ground, and under the stars...

Day after day - and on May Day like any other day - several thousands of children lose their lives without having had the chance of seeing anything of the world. Day after day death claims thousands of lives as a result of exposure to cold, heat, sickness, and dirt...

These people are not victims of nature. Nature has for many decades surrendered to man. These are not the victims of nature - they are victims of human ignorance and brutality. Present day humanity itself is victim to system, built into a monster, to which these people form only a small proportion of victims...

Take a look at the heap of the corpses of youngsters, fallen to the ground by mean of the most advanced technology, the most advanced weapons made by the people themselves, whose number rises daily in the midst of the joyful clamour of arms producing companies...

Take a look at the houses destroyed by bombs. Look how thousands of workers are drained of energy for years in building them, and how destroying them in an instant turns into smoke the product of the exacting labour of thousands of other workers and wage earners along with the burnt out bodies of the inhabitants...

Take a look at the host of workers in military industries, employees of star war projects, who strain every nerve in order to render void in thin air the product of the striving of thousands of wage earners on the other side of the globe, when it is set in their direction by orders of enemies of all humanity...
Take a look at the blistered bodies of those who have inhaled various gasses from chemical bombs, as products of the labour of wage earners on the other side of the globe, and the agony they have suffered till their hearts have stopped beating...

Take a look at the rotten bodies of the fish, and the shrivelled leaves of forests, to see how these also are victims of the most savage animal on earth...

Take a look at the scores of starving people who become hungrier every moment just because of the un-profitability of food distribution. Take a look at the blood gushing out of the breasts of those who protest.
Look at those who are being tortured, who scream and die within the walls that we have built and behind the bars that we have forged... Look at the mansions and the lifestyle of their butchers. Take a look at the stupefied faces of billions of people who shall never benefit from literacy, books, and knowledge... Take a look at the slum-dwellers, at those who feed in the garbage damps, at the women who sell their bodies for bread. Take a look at the black slaves who feel the pressure of hundreds of stilled years on their skin an bone, look at the drums of bellies of their bone children...

Look at the world! The world that we carry on our shoulders is filled with blood, scum, and filth. Look, and those you see are us, with our children, spouses, brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers...
Look what this diabolical system has built on earth! They have organized poverty and wretchedness, war and devastation. They have organized murder and genocide, prostitution and addiction, hatred and insanity... And they give us wages to rebuild this hell every day, with our own hands and for our own use.

They make weapons with our own hands, they aim them at us with our own hands, so that we should give up everything else and remain mere wage earners - to be wage earners follow orders so that they should decide whose breast to burst with the new weapons we have made, the wages of which dispossessed and down trodden wage earners to pay out of the bread we have wrested from the earth and what other calamity to create in the world with the rest of the wealth they have at their disposal.

It is them - not nature - who kill our children with want; it is them who butcher our brothers in the battle-fields; it is them who make the houses of our loved ones collapse over their head, them who turn prostitutes out of our sisters, who have placed our brothers and sisters in slums and enslaved them.

Look what this diabolical system has done to us! It has plundered all we have, and turned us into wage earners - wage earners and nothing more. All this barbarity and monstrosity takes place daily in front of us. But they have so emptied us of the spirit of humaneness and brotherhood the we do not hear, or hear and do not heed, the cry of innocent and starving children for help from all corners of the world. We fail to see, or we see and shut our eyes to, the mutilated bodies of victims of their anti-human and profit-oriented wars, as though they are cotton dolls and not our children, not our brothers and sisters, but garbage, who are set fire on... They have so deeply imprinted on our minds the fact of our being wage earners and disenfranchised, and of their own might and omnipotence that we have come to regard their will as the will of gods having submitted to our inability in ridding ourselves from these miseries...

Workers, wake up! The day of the workers has long been with us. Wake up and awaken you fellow prisoners. It is the God of capital who has sealed our destiny in this way. Wake up! rise, so that we should hold the reigns of our destiny and our world in our hands. Cry out on May Day that we have had enough, that we no longer tolerate this barbarous disgrace.

Tell those who still promise to reform this system, who still demand patience from us, those who remind us of the alms they have gathered for us - if they are blind and fail to see - that this world has become the instrument of murder and exploitation. Every minute of its shameful existence harbours thousands of miseries for us... Such repulsive structure should be transformed, not through patience, but through revolution... We want a different world free from traces of poverty, starvation and exploitation, from war, squalor, and murder. We want a free world.

Open your eyes! Those who sympathize with us while making this rightful cause appear unattainable are supporters of this hellish system. Those who regard the dominance of the exploiting minority possible and that of the majority over its own destiny unfeasible, are asking us to surrender. If they do not believe in our strength, show them the army of billions of wageworkers. If they are lacking in awareness, open up their eyes and their ears, if they do not believe in our will show them your fists, and if they think us fit for no better, use those very fists to strike them in their babbling mouth.

Cry out on the First of May that you no longer take it to be a wage earner. You no longer want to be workers to exploiters of mankind. Cry out unanimously that we will build a different world in which there will be no room for idle exploiters and criminal parasites... a world for justice, love and life for us, for all mankind, and for our children.

On May Day let capitalists and their allies tremble at the call of "DOWN WITH CAPITAL!". This would be the beginning of a great festival for the mistreated and deprived people of the world for whom the only hope out of a dismal existence is the victory of the workers.



Text: Communist Party of Iran, The Committee Abroad, April 1987
Reproduction for the Internet (with added pictures), SedayeZanan.org, April 2005