From the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburb Bus Company
To all workers, unions, and progressive organisations world over

Condemn the attack on our protest!

On behalf of 17 thousands workers and employees of Tehran and suburb Bus Company to whole the workers organisations and every respected human being who deeply touched to see the repression of basic human rights that our wide spread strike on 28 Jan 2006 was severely attacked by agents of Islamic regime. The attack and intimidation started in the early hours of 28 Jan 2006, they attacked our houses and arrested many of our compatriots and even children were not spared, They number of arrested are not exact number known at this time but it is surely amounts to hundreds. They have beaten and forced some our compatriots to start the buses on the strike day, they even took help of army, police, security agents and plain cloth police to harass, intimidate and break our strike. Why did we strike? We protested for freedom of Mr Mansour Osanloo the leader of Tehran Bus Company’s Syndicate who along with the board members were detained on 22 Dec 2005, for the recognition of our Syndicate, for acceptance of collective contract and for wage increase etc. Do you believe that they have staged an open, wide spread and repressive war against the Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburb Bus Company for their demands? Do you feel such demands deserve to be met in such inhuman behaviour? Islamic Regime has treated us this way and we have no other choice but to unitedly continue and intensify our struggle. Therefore we would like to request you, our compatriot’s world over and you, who can freely establish and choose your union to:

Condemn Islamic Regime for its action
Demand the unconditional release of whole the detainees;
Support our struggle for the recognition of our Syndicate by Islamic Regime
Condemn the repression of our strike and demands the prosecution, trail and Punishment of whole those who were involved in these barbaric acts.

We would also like to appreciate and thank whole those unions, organisations, and everyone who have supported our struggle so far. We have a very tough struggle in front of us and we sincerely need and seek your support and hope you will stand by our side.

With respect:

The Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburb Bus Company
28 Jan 2006

Translated by:
Hasteh Aghaliat
29 Jan 2006