Vi kräver att Sverige går ut och tydligt fördömer Israels agerande
شبکه زنان: ما خواستار آنیم که سوئد علناً و صریحاً، اَعمال اسرائیل را محکوم کند
Sveriges Regering,
utrikesminister Carl Bildt,
statsminister Fredrik Reinfeldt

Vi skriver till er angående Israels pågående kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter i Gaza. Vi vill inte be er att reagera utan vi begär av vårt land att vi, Sverige, fördömer de brott som staten Israel begår mot mänskligheten och agerar i frågan. Det sker vedervärdiga angrepp mot civilbefolkningen i Gaza varje dag. Israel bombar och beskjuter människor som är inhägnade av en stor mur och som inte har någonstans att ta vägen för att skydda sig själva eller sina barn. Human Rights Watch rapporterar att israelisk militär skjuter ihjäl civilbefolkning som flyr utan vapen och med händerna ovanför huvudet. Erfarenhetsmässigt vet vi att kvinnor och barn är de som drabbas hårdast i krig, så även denna gång.

Israel begår brott mot fjärde Genévekonventionen angående skydd för civilpersoner under krigstid. Israel måste både fördömas och på sikt ställas till svars för sitt agerande. Även om Israel inte har ratificerat Romstadgan skall Sverige och omvärlden inte acceptera kränkningar av mänskligheten och internationella överenskomna regler om mänskliga rättigheter och krigsbrott. Internationella konventioner kan inte enbart finnas som fredsprojekt för att ena en värld i efterkrigstider utan skall tillämpas när nya brott begås, annars är det endast tomma ord.

Vi kräver att Sverige går ut och tydligt fördömer Israels agerande. Ett fördömande av Israels agerande innebär inte ett rättfärdigande av de raketattacker Hamas utför. Vi kräver att Sverige står upp för de mänskliga rättigheterna och agerar nu!

Stockholm 2014-08-15
Leila Qaraee, ordförande
به دولت سوئد،
کارل بیلت، وزیر امور خارجه
فردریک راین‌فلت، نخست وزیر

ما این را در رابطه با تجاوزات در حال وقوعِ اسرائیل به حقوق بشر در غزه به شما مینویسم. ما از شما خواهش نمیکنیم بلکه خواستار آنیم که کشور ما، سوئد، جنایاتی را که دولت اسرائیل علیه بشریت مرتکب میشود محکوم کند و در مورد این مسأله وارد عمل شود. هر روز تجاوزات کریه و تهوع‌آوری نسبت به مردم غیرنظامی در غزه صورت میگیرد. اسرائیل مردمی را که در حصر دیواری عظیم محبوس هستند و هیچ جایی برای رفتن و محافظت از خودشان یا بچه‌هایشان ندارند، به بمب و گلوله میبندد. سازمان دیدبان حقوق بشر گزارش میدهد که نظامیان اسرائیلی به مردم غیرنظامی و غیرمسلح که دستهایشان را به علامت تسلیم بلند کرده‌اند تیراندازی میکنند و آنها را میکشند. به تجربه میدانیم که زنان و کودکان از همه بیشتر در جنگها صدمه میبینند، و این بار هم چنین است.

اسرائیل دارد مقررات کنوانسیون چهارم ژنو را که ناظر بر حفاظت از افراد غیرنظامی در زمان جنگ است زیر پا میگذارد. اسرائیل باید محکوم شود و بالأخره تاوانِ اَعمالش را پس بدهد. با اینکه اسرائیل موافقتنامه رم [تشکیل دادگاه جنایی بین‌المللی، مصوب ١٩٩٨، برای محاکمه و مجازات مرتکبین نسل‌کشی، جنایت علیه بشریت و جنایات جنگی] را نپذیرفته و امضاء نکرده است، سوئد و دیگر کشورهای جهان نباید تجاوزاتش به بشریت و تخطی‌اش از مقررات بین‌المللی مورد توافق در مورد حقوق بشر و جنایات جنگی را بپذیرند. کنوانسیون‌های بین‌المللی نمیتوانند صرفاً پروژه‌های صلح برای اتحاد دنیا در پس دورانهای جنگ باشند، بلکه باید هر وقت که جنایتی دیگر روی میدهد به عمل درآیند، والّا صرفاً حرفهای خالی اند.

ما خواستار آنیم که سوئد علناً و صریحاً، اَعمال اسرائیل را محکوم کند. محکوم کردن اَعمال اسرائیل به معنی صحّه گذاشتن بر حملات موشکی حماس نیست. ما خواستار آنیم که سوئد برای دفاع از حقوق بشر به پا خیرد و همین الآن این کار را بکند.

استکهلم ١٥ اوت ٢٠١٤
شبکه زنان
لیلا قرائی - دبیر

Humanity has the Right and the Obligation to Defend Itself Against
Israel's Barbarism!
We need another Nuremberg Tribunal for Israeli War Criminals.
Netanyahu, Lieberman, Ya'alon and other mass murderers and child-butchers deserve no less than Frank, Frick and von Ribbentrop!

Obvious War Crimes - Irrefutable Crimes Against Humanity
Supported and blessed by USA, UK, EU and their docile media
despite all putrid crocodile tears
This is genocide! Israeli lawmaker
Ayelet Shaked calls for genocide of Palestinians - and the Israeli army is doing it!
Day 30: Palestinian death toll has passed 1,900 - the dead include more than 415 children. More than 10,000 people have been wounded. There are 373,000 children who require psychological help. An estimated 40,000 homes have been bombed. 10,000 completely destroyed.
Even hospitals and UN-shelters are bombed repeatedly by Israeli forces. 500,000 Palestinians have been displaced - No water, no electricity, just rubbles, dead bodies and tonnes of unexploded bombs and artillery shells - Made in USA.

Human Rights Watch has accused Israel of illegally shooting and killing Palestinian civilians who were attempting to flee. Witnesses described a series of incidents late last month in the southern town of Khuzaa where Israeli troops opened fire on civilians who had been ordered to leave homes where they were sheltering.

Noam Chomsky: "A Hideous Atrocity"      Christopher Gunness      Uri Avnery

Swedish government which - like NATO - strongly condemned Crimean referendum and demanded sanctions against Russia,
does nothing at all against Israel's crimes against humanity, massacre of children and slaughter of civilians.

Norman Finkelstein on Gaza Ceasefire: After 1,800+ Dead, What Led Israel to Stop the Assault - and What Comes Next?

Norman Finkelstein on DemocracyNow!     ترجمۀ فارسی مصاحبۀ پنجم اوت نورمن فینکل‌شتاین

Professor Ilan Pappé: To the family of the one thousandth victim of Israel's genocidal slaughter in Gaza
Ilan Pappé: Israel Has Chosen to be a "Racist Apartheid State" with U.S. Support

Watch and visit    DemocracyNow!     The Electronic Intifada     Ali Abunimah facebook     Sharif Abdel Kouddous reports from GAZA

Dr. Gilbert: The main problem in the Middle East today, it is the Israeli impunity. Where is the humanity? Where is the decency of the U.S. government allowing Israel this impunity to punish the whole civilian population in Gaza? Our duty is to support Palestinian people and to raise the awareness and to raise the solidarity work in our countries to pressure our politicians to change the attitude towards the real oppressor and the real criminal here. It is the state of Israel.

July 23: The Palestinian death toll is near 650, including more than 160 children. Some 4,000 have been wounded. According to Gaza officials, 475 houses have been totally destroyed, and more than 2,600 homes have been partially damaged. Israel has also struck 46 schools, 56 mosques and 7 hospitals. More than 100 000 displaced.

Palestinian Human Rights Lawyer Raji Sourani Likens Netanyahu to Bin Laden for Killing Civilians
Max Blumenthal: With "Hollow Diplomacy," U.S. Created Political Space for Israeli Assault on Gaza
"A Place of Indescribable Loss": As Ceasefire Talks Begin, Israel Bombs Hospital, Mosques and Homes
Israeli Peace Demo Violently Disrupted, Dozens Injured as Counter-Protesters Yell "Death to Arabs"
Not In Our Name: Jewish Peace Activists Arrested in New York
Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Israel's Gaza Massacres: F-16 Kills 24 Relatives After 72 Die in Shejaiya
The Nation: Massacre in Shejaiya

Dr. Gilbert day 7: More than 170 Palestinians have been killed, among them 36 children and 24 women.
Among the 1,232 injured, there are 346 children and 256 women. So, 50% of the injured are women and children.
War crimes: Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave-labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or illtreatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.
-Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, 1950

Report to UNRWA: The Gaza Health Sector as of June 2014
By Dr. Mads Gilbert MD PhD, Professor, University Hospital of North Norway, Tromsø, Norway

Listen to Dr. Mads Gilbert, Norwegian Physician Treating Wounded Civilians in Gaza - DemocracyNow!

No ceasefire without justice for Gaza - 22 July 2014

Urgent call from Gaza civil society:
Act now!

12 July 2014

We Palestinians trapped inside the bloodied and besieged Gaza Strip call on conscientious people all over the world to act, protest and intensify the boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel until it ends this murderous attack on our people and is held to account.

With the world turning their backs on us once again, for the last four days we in Gaza have been left to face massacre after massacre. As you read these words, over 120 Palestinians are dead now, including 25 children. Over 1,000 have been injured including countless horrifying injuries that will limit lives forever -- more than two thirds of the injured are women and children.

We know for a fact that many more will not make it through the next day. Which of us will be next, as we lie awake from the sound of the carnage in our beds tonight? Will we be the next photo left in an unrecognizable state from Israel's state-of-the-art flesh-tearing, limb-stripping machinery of destruction?

We call for a final end to the crimes and oppression against us. We call for:

Without pressure and isolation, the Israeli regime has proven time and time again that it will continue such massacres as we see around us now, and continue the decades of systematic ethnic cleansing, military occupation and apartheid policies.

We are writing this on Saturday night, again paralyzed in our homes as the bombs fall on us in Gaza. Who knows when the current attacks will end? For anyone over seven years old, permanently etched on our minds are the rivers of blood that ran through the Gaza streets when for over three weeks in 2009 over 1,400 Palestinians were killed, including over 330 children.

White phosphorous and other chemical weapons were used in civilian areas and contaminating our land with a rise in cancers as a result. More recently 180 more were killed in the week-long attacks in late November 2012.

MarianneNy.jpg This time what? 200, 500, 5,000? We ask: how many of our lives are dispensable enough until the world takes action? How much of our blood is sufficient? Before the Israeli bombings, a member of the Israeli Knesset Ayelet Shaked of the far-right Jewish Home party called for genocide of the Palestinian people.

"They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes," she said. "Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there." Right now nothing is beyond the murderous nature of the Israeli State, for we, a population that is mostly children, are all mere snakes to them.

As said Omar Ghraib in Gaza, "It was heart shattering to see the pictures of little boys and girls viciously killed. Also how an elderly woman was killed while she was having her iftar at Maghreb prayer by bombing her house. She died holding the spoon in her hand, an image that will need a lot of time to leave my head."

Entire houses are being targeted and entire families are being murdered. Early Thursday morning the entire al-Haj family was wiped out - the father Mahmoud, mother Bassema and five children. No warning, a family targeted and removed from life. Thursday night, the same again, no warning, five more dead including four from the Ghannam family, a woman and a seven year old child amongst them.

On Tuesday morning the Kaware family did get a phone call telling them their three-story house would be bombed. The family began to leave when a water tank was struck, but then returned with members of the community, who all came to the house to stand with them, people from all over the neighborhood.

The Israeli jets bombed the building with a roof full of people, knowing full well it was full of civilians. Seven people died immediately, including five children under 13 years old. Twenty-five more were injured, and eight-year-old Seraj Abd al-Aal succumbed to his injuries later that evening.

Perhaps the family was trying to appeal to the Israeli regime's humanity, surely they wouldn't bomb the roof full of people. But as we watch families being torn apart around us, it's clear that Israel's actions have nothing to do with humanity.

Other places hit include a clearly-marked media vehicle, killing the independent journalist Hamed Shehab, injuring eight others, a hit on a Red Crescent rescue vehicle and attacks on hospitals which caused evacuations and more injuries.

This latest session of Israeli barbarity is placed firmly in the context of Israel's inhuman seven-year blockade that has cut off the main life-line of goods and people coming in and out of Gaza, resulting in the severe medical and food shortages being reported by all our hospitals and clinics right now.

Cement to rebuild the thousands of homes destroyed by Israeli attacks had been banned and many injured and ill people are still not being allowed to travel abroad to receive urgent medical treatment which has caused the deaths of over 600 sick patients.

As more news comes in, as Israeli leaders give promises of moving onto a next stage in brutality, we know there are more horrors yet to come. For this we call on you to not turn your backs on us. We call on you to stand up for justice and humanity and demonstrate and support the courageous men, women and children rooted in the Gaza Strip facing the darkest of times ahead. We insist on international action:

We call on you to join the growing international boycott, divestment and sanction campaign to hold this rogue state to account that is proving once again to be so violent and yet so unchallenged.

Join the growing critical mass around the world with a commitment to the day when Palestinians do not have to grow up amidst this relentless murder and destruction by the Israeli regime.

When we can move freely, when the siege is lifted, the occupation is over and the world's Palestinian refugees are finally granted justice.

ACT NOW, before it is too late!

Palestinians mourn victims of Israeli air strikes in Gaza City, 12 July.


Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal, 1950

No. 82

Principles of International Law Recognized in the Charter of the Nuremberg Tribunal and in the Judgment of the Tribunal. Adopted by the International Law Commission of the United Nations, 1950.

Principle I

Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and liable to punishment.

Principle II

The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for an act which constitutes a crime under international law does not relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under international law.

Principle III

The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law acted as Head of State or responsible Government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.

Principle IV

The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.

Principle V

Any person charged with a crime under international law has the right to a fair trial on the facts and law.

Principle Vl

The crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under; international law:

Principle VII

Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principles VI is a crime under international law.


Set Up Another Nuremberg Tribunal for Israeli War Criminals
Netanyahu, Lieberman, Ya'alon and their companions deserve no less than
Frank, Frick and von Ribbentrop!


GAZA January 2009

Israeli government's mass murder of imprisoned civilians in Gaza:

Israel's assault on Gaza has exacted the bloodiest toll of civilian lives yet,
when the bombing of UN schools being used as refugee centres and of housing killed more than 50 people,
including an entire family of seven young children.

22nd day: 1300 killed, more than 5300 injured, more than 120,000
displaced/homeless! One third are children!

No Water, No Electricity, No Food, No Medicine, No Refuge, No Sewage...
They've occupied the Palestine, what remains is to get rid of the Palestinians!
No Respect for International laws, No Respect for Human-Rights, No Merci, No Shame!

Now with white phosphorus shells, targeting schools, hospitals, UN-facilities, the press...

Human Rights Watch says pictures like this point to white phosphorus use
Rights group: Israel uses white phosphorus in Gaza
We need another Nuremberg Tribunal, to put these murderers behind the bars!

If EU and Swedish government do not condemn Israel's government
for this barbarian massacre of civilian people
then they too should be considered as supporters of this slaughter

Killing helpless starving children, butchering defenseless civilians in captivity
- "in self-defense"!

Robert Fisk: I covered all these atrocities...Our fate, of course, was that most slanderous of libels:
we were accused of being anti-Semitic.

Obama, Biden, Clinton and others support the slaughter by their silence - YES, THEY CAN!

Send War-Criminals to Jail!


If these are your enemies, then you have to be a ...!