Fãrsi Lãtin     Fãrsi Arabi     Svenska     English                


Information Communiqé No.1 of the Coordinating Committee

The 12ft international conference of the IWSF is going to be held in Stockholm on 15, 16, and 17th of June 2001.

Speakers, artists and participants from all over the world, including Iran, will attend the conference in Sweden. You will be informed about the times and other details of the speeches, panel discussions, and artistic and cultural programmes of the seminar in later communiques, closer to the time.

Up till now the Centre for Women's Studies (Stockholm University), and the Worker's Educational Association (ABF) have accepted the invitation of the main organisors, Women's Network (Kvinnors Nätverk), to be co-organizors for the conference.

The theme for conference 2001 is: "Iranian Women at Home and Abroad: What Is to Be Done?" The conference will be opened by the Swedish feminist Maria-Pia Boëthius.

The seminar will include 3 panel discussions, each with four participants:

  1. State and Domestic Violence Against Women
  2. "What Is to Be Done: What Working Class Women Think? "
  3. "What Is to Be Done: What Younger Women Think? "

The six other speakers of the seminar from USA, Britain, France, Sweden, and Iran will deal with the various topical and organisational aspects of the theme.

The time for each speech is 20 minutes to half an hour and the participants will have the opportunity to respond to the speakers and panellists in equal time to the length of the speeches.

The language is Farsi, with simultaneous interpretation to English and Swedish.

Our invitation to participation is particularly extended to youngsters, who'll have the opportunity to participate in workshops in dialogues with young Swedes who are interested in international women's issues.

So far the artistic activities include a play (Nilufar Beyzaii theatre group grom Germany), stand up satire (Shapie and Hadi Khorsandi from Britain), poetry reading (Maryam Hooleh, the young poet from Iran), as well as painting and photography exhibitions in the corridors of Aula Magna (Stockholm University), the venue for the conference.

We welcome your participation in the seminar, your suggestions, and your financial or other assistance.

Phone: (46) 08. 646 1070
(46) 08. 411 7855

Fax: (46) 08. 646 1070

E. mail: haideh@kvinnonet.org iranianwsf@aol.com

Web: www.kvinnonet.org

Post giro: 435 03 68-9
Kvinnors Nätverk - IWSF

Address: Women's Network
Box 2019
103 11 Stockholm
Box 380 882
Cambridge MA 02238-0882